More About Me

My Story...

Here is my story of how my passion for Relationship Coaching and Couple Therapy was inspired.

I grew up with one wish, to be Married and have a Family. That meant "Happiness". Going through life and searching for love was not that simple though. Unfortunatly there was no courses offred in k-12 to do relationships.

After a fair share of heartbreaks I began asking myself "what am I missing?" I began spending years welcoming every opportunity to learn the truth behind relationships and LOVE. You will be surprised with what you are about to learn with me as well.

The truth had nothing to do with Disney or Hollywood love. What about soulmates? Not even that.

The reality is we are born to love and be Loved and science supports this fact. However, it will take you to first understand, love, and accept who you are fully.

Based on our early life experiences and relationships with our caregivers our personality is shaped and our future relationships is likely predictable. Good news! You have a choice to turn it around to your favor.

Based on our upbringing we may turn toward making the whole world happy or build a wall to stay safe. Bottom line, we forget how to be Happy; which is our Birth Right. There is always struggle between who I am, who I want to be, and how I should be...

Yes! I had that too. The moment I was introduced to the magical realm of yoga and meditation and followed the guidance of great masters in the field of Couple therapy such as Gottmans and Sue Johnsons, the pioneer of Emotional Focused Therapy, my life made a great shift and I would love to share my learnings with you.

The true meaning of love and happiness is having a better understanding of self, making healthful life changes, revising relationship patterns, experiencing this very moment, being kind and forgiving, being passionate and having fun.

My personal experiences have given me the opportunity to help my client's to get in touch with their heart and connect with love.

Single or in Relationship

Give Love a Chance

Let's Allow this Journey Begin...


  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT #114775)

  • Certified Reiki Master

  • Certified Yukt Yoga Teacher


  • Holistic/Spiritual Coaching

  • Relationship Coaching

Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey?

Make your life and relationships more fulfilling by scheduling a consultation with Sara. Begin the path of healing, connection, and empowerment today.